Saturday, May 07, 2016


Sometimes I mention things to you guys and then just leave you hanging there with no follow up. 

I know you've all wondering about our potatoes

As far as the eye can see...potatoes

 Wanna see them again....
ahhhh, potatoes.

Maybe you all have been up at night wondering if we got our tomatoes in. Yep.  Sure did.  All 60 plants ALREADY with trellises!

Any of you guys been obsessing about what David's put in the upcycled garden beds? Cornwell strawberry patch, baby!

 And it can't just be Mila who is dying to know if I've finished the just-like-Mila's shawl.  Yep.  AND the long-teal-jacket-that-needs-a-better-name

Given that I only seem to finish things when I've mentioned them here and therefore feel obliged to follow through, I'd like to tell you guys about my plans for restaining our doors.....