Friday, March 31, 2017

One Serious Gift

We have a birthday party to go to tomorrow. The mayor of Montalto is turning 50 something. Yeah, ok, I just added that mayor bit to make David and I sound like we're IN, he's actually our friend Mariano. And he happens to be the mayor of Montalto. And yes, his birthday happens to coincide with april fool's day. That must have been annoying as a child.  Anyway, dude is getting the best most serious, NO joke present ever.


  1. No, no joke presents! My Mom would be 107 tomorrow. :) We were always serious about her birthday.

  2. WAYNOSD10:13 PM

    You two are the IN couple: Maberga, Tadja, San Remo, Montalto and not to forget Badaluca!

  3. Totally cool gift!
