Sunday, November 25, 2012

So, Q, my of my dogs, turned 6 today.  In the past I have shared dog birthdays with you all.

I'm sorry.

Yes, I'm very sorry for having done that. 

Those of you with dogs, have shared my enthusiasm when I have done this.  And I thank you all for that. 

And now, having just lived through the Halloween season on facebook....I feel tremendously guilty for my previous posts about my dogs.

Those of you with dogs and no children ....might understand why I'm apologizing.
Those of you with children and no dogs....just accept my apologizes.
Those of you with children and dogs....understand what you want from this post.

And...Happy Birthday Q. 


  1. Happy Birthday to Q! I hope there are good eats and plenty of play in store....

    We have kids.
    We have dogs.
    We have dogs who think they are kids.
    When the kids were little, they thought life would be much more pleasant if they were our dogs.

  2. Mike in Boulder2:02 AM

    Those of us who have neither kids nor dogs (just an old Fiat, the ultimate insanity) can only reply to your current post: Huh??? Could you clarify for the unwashed masses???

    PS. I have been a cat owner/guardian for most of my adult life. I suppose that might explain my lack of comprehension, Oh, I forgot. People don't have cats; cats have people.

    Mike in Boulder

  3. Can one send pictures with a comment? Any way, I have the most sweet picture of a Q in a basket. She was 10 cm long and 8 cm tall. She was/is black like our floor so we had to be very careful not to step on her.
    Happy birthday Q.

    By the way, I am without formel ownership of either children, dogs or cats. I do have a lot of visitor of all 3 species and am very fond of it. Thats my understanding of your post!!
    By the way one more time, I have absolutely no understanding of either facebook or halloween and I have no intention of getting it. Rather play with dogs and cats and children and my knitting friends. See you in January
