1. I tried to dye easter eggs without a Paas kit. You'd be surprized how much can go wrong whilst dying easter eggs. First of all I started with brown eggs, since that's all you can find here. You'd have thought that that right there would end the project. Naw. I thought if I just had strong enough dye it would be ok. At risk of giving away the ending of this little vignette, I'll tell you now - it does matter. You have to have white eggs to start with. I did try bleaching some eggs to get them a little whiter. Yes, I actually stuck the egg in a cup of pure bleach.

It doesn't work. Kinda makes you wonder what chemicals the egg companies use to get those clean white shells. Anyway...
Then I tried a variety of household items to obtain color - color that would be stronger than the brown that mamma chicken made.

This wasn't really giving the effect that I was after so I went back to the cuPboards, searching, searching, looking, anything that had a strong color. I found this...

Yep, it's exactly what you think it is...

"THIS WILL BE AWESOME!!!!" I thought to myself (ok, I might have even screamed it out loud). "Jello is some COLORFUL stuff, and there are SO MANY colors! If fact, I'll bet that Paas pellets are just mini, concentrated jello tabs!"
My excitement about the color possibilities must have temperarily closed down all my common sense. I overlooked one rather important technical aspect of using jello to dye eggs...

That of course being that, well, IT'S JELLO!

2. I started preparing the wood that will be beams and the ceiling in our upstairs room.

Who knew that such a small house could require so much wood? Each piece in that pile requires a light sanding and two coats of paint.
Just like when the fence was finally in and finished and waiting for paint, it started raining just after that two ton of wood was delivered. So, instead of actually painting the stuff, I've been spending a lot of time in the cold, wind and rain, trying to keep it protected. Ok, that's a slight exaggeration. Between drops I did get a little start on the job.

3. I've decided to clean the terrace walls. It's a job that is way over due. If you've ever been to Maberga then you know how we point out our land to people "see all finely manicured terraces surround those few wild, jungle-like looking ones? Yeah, the jungle ones are ours." So each day, rain or not, when I take the doggies out to run free, I bring the hand clippers and take a little more off.

I do have a ways to go, however.

4. And of course I've been knitting a little.
I finished these before David left.

And then I got busy on these two little pieces...
I made the buttons on that one, too!
Well, that's about all for now. It's pissing rain again today so I'll start a new sweater and, of course there's still the doggies and the wall.
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