So, it seems that I've already learned something in my 41st year:
It takes more than a hoe to make a vera contadina.
Yeah, ok, so I finished project 12 but, well, I'm not so proud. Have a look...
Let's compare that to what Augusto "helped" me to do...
Yeah. Well, what's there to say? I need a motozappa? Like that would help. I mean, it WOULD help, assuming I could use it, but tools are not really the problem here.
Remember Rolf?
Rolf said to me once, "Lynn, you need to be a certain age to garden." Actually, since Rolf, of the former East Germany, speaks to me in Italian because he doesn't like speaking English and I don't speak a lick of German, said something along the lines of (translated) "Age, she needs for to work for the garden" or something like that.
According to me, Rolf is for to be right.
Thumb-sized eggplant anyone?
Yeah, ok, let's look at the birthday sweater instead...
A little better than the garden.
Age or just time served?
On a completely unrelated note...METTE HAS A BLOG!!!! Please do go check her out HERE.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, all the way from Beirut, Lebanon. Wish you all the best all the way up in your mountain. And thanks for being my second follower. You made my day. All the best.