Tomorrow my parents will be celebrating 50 years of wedded bliss.
50 years.
50 years is a half of a century.
50 years is 5 decades.
It's 600 months, 2600 weeks and 28,262 days.
It's 11 homes.
It's 2 daughters.
It's 1 dog...and a very short stay with 1 cat.
It's 2 masters degrees.
It's 9 holidays in Alabama and 1 in Arkansas (don't ask).
It's a lot of wall papering.
It's 1854 Friday fish fries and 1278 Sunday popcorn dinners.
It's 2 son in laws.
It's 5 grandchildren.
It's 14 high school musicals.
It's 2 careers educating children in 9 schools and 4 districts.
It's the passing of 4 parents.
It's 8 trips to Europe and 8746 miles logged driving between Wisconsin and Illinois.
It's 1 beautiful life full of family and friends.
My list is incomplete. I'm sure mom and dad will do their own tallying of what a life time together has been, has meant, and what it continues to mean to them. From my perspective, their 50 years together has meant that no matter where I roam, the mistakes I make, the successes I experience, I have had and have a home base. I have always known what it is to have two very different people behind me to push and in front to pull. From my parents, I've learned unconditional support, encouragement, love....and perseverance.
Auguri, Mom and Dad. I'm more sorry than you know to not be there to celebrate with you.