Oh my goodness, what a busy weekend I’ve had. I was just a creating machine! I had so much finished product that I was actually able to step back and say, “wow, that is some damn fine handmade stuff” or, alternatively, took a big sigh and said “wow, that is some serious homemade stuff.”
Yes, the difference between the HANDmade and HOMEmade is blaringly obvious in my stuff.
Here are my definitions of the two:
Handmade – artisan quality craft. When you look at it you can tell that is was made by hand but is has an artistic sense about it and a certain threshold of quality in workmanship. It has commercial as well as sentimental value.
Homemade – craft made at home (or at school). When you look at it you can tell that is was made by hand, period. Sentimental value only…and that’s only if you are lucky.
Some examples:
--the sweater I knit for my husband for Valentines day 8 years ago that would have fit a freight train with chimpanzee arms perfectly – HOMEMADE
--grandma Sally’s Christmas mittens with ever increasing hands and never increasing thumbs – HOMEMADE
--every ashtray made by every 5 year old for mother’s day – HOMEMADE
--friend Teddy’s pipes (found here) – HANDMADE
Here’s how I came out on the weekend goods:
I’d like to introduce Amilia …homemade.

Ok, so even though she received homemade status…I was so taken with her (sentimental value), particularly her hair, that I cut my own hair to look like hers.

Sorry no photo of the actual ‘do. You’ll have to take my word that I now have a pixie cut with bangs (it’s not blue however)….VERY homemade haircut.
Yes, the difference between the HANDmade and HOMEmade is blaringly obvious in my stuff.
Here are my definitions of the two:
Handmade – artisan quality craft. When you look at it you can tell that is was made by hand but is has an artistic sense about it and a certain threshold of quality in workmanship. It has commercial as well as sentimental value.
Homemade – craft made at home (or at school). When you look at it you can tell that is was made by hand, period. Sentimental value only…and that’s only if you are lucky.
Some examples:
--the sweater I knit for my husband for Valentines day 8 years ago that would have fit a freight train with chimpanzee arms perfectly – HOMEMADE
--grandma Sally’s Christmas mittens with ever increasing hands and never increasing thumbs – HOMEMADE
--every ashtray made by every 5 year old for mother’s day – HOMEMADE
--friend Teddy’s pipes (found here) – HANDMADE
Here’s how I came out on the weekend goods:
I’d like to introduce Amilia …homemade.

Ok, so even though she received homemade status…I was so taken with her (sentimental value), particularly her hair, that I cut my own hair to look like hers.

Sorry no photo of the actual ‘do. You’ll have to take my word that I now have a pixie cut with bangs (it’s not blue however)….VERY homemade haircut.
And then….these… handmade.

Ummm, you can’t really tell from my photos (homemade), you will have to trust me. I am so excited about them, well, I could just, well…be excited about them.
Here is a synopsis:

Ummm, you can’t really tell from my photos (homemade), you will have to trust me. I am so excited about them, well, I could just, well…be excited about them.
Here is a synopsis:

*In Italian you say “OR this OR that”, so when Italians speak English, they do the same. It is one of the things mis-said so often that it’s started sounding right to me. No, you aren’t mistaken, I do teach English.
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