Thursday, May 07, 2009

So I've just discovered the joy (and endless, vast time suck) of YouTube. Yeah, I know, I'm a little behind the times. Try to forget about that, I do. It's just the way it is. Anyway, when The Fun Couple was here we had a spontaneous house disco party...fueled by YouTube. Whoa. New world.

The Fun Couple are a bad influence on I'm gardening and watching way too much YouTube (thank you, Wayne). AND Denise spoiled me by giving me my first professional haircut of the millennium. How can I go back to cutting my own hair now?!

(imagine here a photo of my new hair which they sent to me and I promptly filed some where in the computer only to never find again)

Anyway, back to I've been playing this game of sending memorable music to friends. For example, my sister got some of the Grease soundtrack, friend Betty got some Randy Travis and friend Jay got Whitesnake (obviously I hung out with these people when we were much younger, and consequently much more impressionable).

So now I'm sending this one to you guys. Click here.

I'm sure most of you have seen it already. You all probably watched it while it was happening. It's new to me, like YouTube...again, let's just let that go. Anyway, I sent it to you because A) Dear Pete Seeger just celebrated his 90th birthday and B) I was wondering if anyone has or knows of a pattern to knit a copy of Pete's hat. If you have it, wrote it, or know where to find it, please let me know. I need one of those hats. As do most of the people I know. If you even have a good close up of the hat, I can probably write the pattern myself.

On a more somber note, I'd like to extend my sympathies here to Earle(in-Denver) and his wife, Mary who lost one of their dogs today. Maybe some of you read Earle's comment from yesterday. And maybe some of you have lost dogs yourselves, and so can understand. Their sweet Golden Retriever, Madison died today after a long (very long) and lovely life with Mary and Earle. Madison was so happy that she held on for 18 years (no that's not a typo - I meant to type eight-teen years!), a real testament to life she lived.


  1. Thanks for you kind words about Madison. We took her to the cabin this morning and buried her along side of Landry and Bonnie. It was a very sad moment but we know she is in a better place now.
    Glad to see you found "Youtube". Here is a link to something we heard about on NPR. Someone video taped street singers around the world and this is a song you will all recognize, Stand by me. Enjoy.

    Earle, I hope the link works.

  2. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I am so glad you have discovered YOU TUBE. I have so much fun with,althought it can take away lots of spare time for gardening.
    Don't forget to try LYRICS FOR SONGS on google, you'll be singing along with all of the dancing to every song you can think of.

    W&D TFC

  3. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Wow look at you Ms. Gardner. I'm impressed. You are a green thumb waiting to happen. I planted green beans today, might be a little early, but we will see. I have tons more seed. I just wanted to space out my planting so I have fresh vegetables all summer long.

    On the flower front I planted some calla lilly bulbs today. They are one of my favorite.

    Keep up the good work on the garden.. Watch out Martha Stewart!

    xoxo Carrie D

  4. thanks everyone for your encouragement in my gardening endeavors. David was wowed by his garden. It was better for him than any sweater I've even knit for him because there weren't any sleeves (I always get those wrong for him. I can't explain it, it's just a fact)
