1. The shed is done.
I can now walk into it. Heck, there's so much space now I can even do a little dance in there. Which I did do after throwing all this crap away...
Just one question: why did we take the time and energy to put things all the way out in the shed that are quite obviously trash? Why?
2. Bags. Bags. Bags. I love them.
The Autumn Collection.
And the Hee Haw Collection (sometimes a girl abroad just needs to broadcast that she's American).
and the others...
Ok, I can be honest with you guys. Here was my first attempt.
YIPES! Darn near quit the whole idea after I saw how that one turned out. The right handles are key, wouldn't you say?
3. One of my favorite Net places to waste time is here. Today they had this. As a Twinkie aficionado, I find that just wrong. The Craftzine bloggers did redeem themselves, however by posting this.
4. Many thanks for all the suggestions for ground cover and general gardening tips. Keep them coming...I really have no idea what I'm doing. Part of this is my complete lack of gardening knowledge. The other part is my, as I'm learning about myself, complete lack of vegetable knowledge. The other day Augusto gave me some stuff to plant in the orto, told me what it was (in Italian) ... I had to run inside to to look it up what I had just planted because the plant was so totally foreign to me. I didn't even know which bit of it I was supposed to eat. Chard. It's chard. I have Chard. You eat the leaves.
5. The past 24 hours have been a little windy. Yeah, ok A LOT windy. Really really really windy. I woke up this morning with a pit in my stomach that I had lost my tomatoes (and the beautiful trellis) before I even got to eat a tomato. Happy to say that my fretting was for nought. Trellis still standing, tomatoes still growing. However...
I lost my lovely little grape trellis. I'll have to rethink that design.
6. Last but not least I'd like to say thanks to Lois for nominating me for this

As part of my nomination I have to tell you all 10 things about myself that you readers might not know...given the nature of my blog, I don't think there ARE 10 things you guys don't know about me. I might sprinkle these 10 things out through the next few posts. Let's start here: 1. I think that a Twinkie with a candle in it makes a perfectly acceptable birthday cake.
I'm also supposed to share 10 other blogs that I'd like to nominate for this award. Here they are: Cultivating Magic, One Pearl Button, Crafty Doula, Homegrown Happy, All Mirth and No Matter, the Humanicana, Lost City Knits, By Elizabeth Cat, Art by HLM, and last but not least, this one.
Ok, that last little bit of nominating really wiped me out. Time for a glass of wine or maybe a twinkie.
You are absolutely darling. Great post! :))) Hey, the bags are neat.
ReplyDeleteBummer about the grape trellis, this is how we learn though! Good job on the shed. I have no idea what through process leads to half the crap in mine. (Haha, though I find myself looking at your garbage going, oh no! you're not going to throw out the crates are you?? Terminal.)
ReplyDeleteYippes, guess I better add something to my blog now that you mentioned it. Can you get twinkies in Italy?