2009 FO number 4:

2009 FO number 5:

Yeah, yeah, ok! You don't need to point out to me that FO numbers 4 and 5 go together as a PAIR, and therefore COULD be considered only FO number 4. Duh. Like I don't know that. But I would ask that you please don't discriminate against me - or rather my feet. Please. Discrimination is so non-p.c. If, for some reason I had only one foot, I would have just finished TWO objects. So, just because I happen to have two feet, please don't tell me that this pair is just ONE finished object! Just because I CAN wear both of these objects at the same time doesn't mean they aren't separate objects. Don't discriminate against my two SEPARATE AND INDIVIDUAL feet, please! The Left (foot) and the Right (foot) each have individual and separate feelings, experiences and well, that's about it.
Also, I mean, come on, if I had made a hat and a scarf, wouldn't these be TWO finished objects? Two objects that I could wear at the same time. YES, they would! Of course everyone believes in the individual rights of the head and the neck...why not the feet - or rather the two foot....s?
2009 FO number 6:

This sweater is the BEST! It comes from my favorite book, Weekend Knitting. Big yarn, big needles, no details, no sewing together at the end. If I were in a pinch, this sweater could be knit in, well, a weekend. That book title is pretty good.
(I feel the need to explain that strange photo. I was just about to take a photo of me sporting FO number 6 in the mirror when David came home so I asked him to do the photo. He proceeded to take like 10 photos that focused on the house, my face, my skirt/legs, the dogs in the window behind me, etc. I finally told him the point of the photo was the SWEATER, thus my gestures. I am not trying to point out the stellar job I did on the pick-up-and-knit sleeves nor my voluptuous breasts. Some times it's so hard to find good help.)
Enough with the finish, on to the Danish...
Pals Mette and Teddy (aka: the Danes) are heading back to their northern home on Thursday. They had a dinner last night to say goodbye until May.
( I totally meant to bring my camera, but forgot. So imagine here a photo of a guy who looks just like Father Christmas but maybe 100 pounds lighter and no red suit, and put a cigarette and a glass of wine in his hand. Next to him is Mrs. Claus but 20 years younger, with no bun in her hair, and much funkier spectacles, also no red suit but some funky boots)
Ok, on to the newbish..
WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME sister Mary to the wonderful world of knitting. Friend Mary (aka: the wife of Earle-in-Denver of the comments) has just learned to knit. She's working on a hat currently. Send her some positive SOCK vibes, please.

I can't believe you do all of your incredible knitting by yourself!! I have a path worn to my neighbor's house!!